I do not know anything in English Spiritual Stories by Bibhudatta Bhatta books and stories PDF | I do not know anything

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I do not know anything

I do not know anything- is the key to learn the Truth

[Something about this article- The whole idea behind writing this article is to reveal the right path to learn the truth. There is no doubt, we know so many things. But the more we know, the more confused we are. But what is the way out? Here we have the solution. Why a particular thing appears to be different to different people? Why a same flower is not equally beautiful to all? - are some of the questions tried to be attained here.]

Enhance your limit of knowledge to that extend that, you will feel you know nothing. This is true state to learn everything. You really start to learn when you feel you do not know anything. In other words ‘you do not know anything’ is the first lesson you need to learn from.

We all are programmed. We have some believes, experiences, thoughts etc. within. These are the boundaries which do not allow us to see or learn things as they are. We all have loosed the sense to see things as they are. Rather we all see things on base of our inner formation. On this contest we can recall an interesting proverb, “we do not see things as they are rather we see things as we are”.

No single flower is equally beautiful or ugly to two peoples. If there is beauty in flower, it should appear equally to each and every person. But does it happen? No. Our beautifulness and ugliness is there within us. And the flower is neither beautiful nor ugly. It is as it is and it appears as it is. But based on our own experience or conditioning or definition on ugliness and beautifulness we rate the flower.

Let’s take another example. Suppose you have invited one of your fiends, who has no knowledge in English, to listen a seminar in English language. For him the whole seminar will be nothing but bunch of sounds. Can he understand anything? No. But can hear English words/sounds only. But setting beside him you are able to understand whole concept, as you know English.

What is the difference between you and your friend? Why you could understand when your friend couldn’t? The only difference is, you know English when your friend does not. Now the most vital question is where is your understanding- inside your brain or outside of it? Obscures it is inside your brain. It is based on inside understanding you translated the sounds, you listened. And again the whole seminar is not going to give equal understanding to all. It has to vary. This is only because our understandings vary from person to person.

There are no bondages or stops in external world. Our bondages are right there within us. Our thoughts are our bondages. Our conditionings are our bondages. Our conditionings do not allow us to see things as they are. For instance, when we plan for a picnic to a tourist spot, we chalked out how much enjoyable it will be. In level of our mind we just plan everything. While planning, we just programme our mind. When we actually visit the spot we enjoy the spot on base of our conditionings, not on as the spot is.

Let’s understand this through another example. We are preoccupied or conditioned our own thoughts before attaining a seminar. We are guided by our own conditionings like whether it will be good one or not, how the speaker is, how he will speak etc. When we actually attain the seminar, our own conditionings stop or prevent us to access the speaker as he is. Rather we access him according to our thoughts. If he is better than our thoughts we rate him good and surly bad if he does not serve to our expectation.

Our conditioned mind never allows us to observe anything as it is. It is just like eating bread with multiple curries together. You exactly cannot say what the test of any particular curry or bread is. This is how conditioned mind work. It has so many conditions and so many experiences. When something happens it try to analyze and understand it on base of stored programme or information. Although it looks it is good to access a thing but in reality it stops to access real information.

A question rises, how mind get conditioned? How our mind gets framed? From our birth what we learn from, what environment we go through, what educational institutions we attain, friend circle, parents, family members etc. all add to our conditionings. For instance a child, who has come from daring family, shows daringness in whatever he/she does. In reverse a child from a family whose most members are fearful, always remains scared throughout of his/her life, if not trained properly.

In our knowledge or in our ignorance our mind gets conditioned. Truly what we are today it is because of our conditionings. Whatever we do, add to our conditionings. Although these conditionings help us in short run but in long run these conditionings turn to bigger challenge to overcome.

In fact we all are living in a conditioned world. This world has been well conditioned by religious faiths, science, social believe systems, cast system, law and order systems etc. And this process has been started from time immoral and will continue till indefinite period. There is nothing wrong in it also.

Sometime we get into trouble when two or more believe systems come into force when deciding or doing something. Recent issues on instant divorce (prevailed in Muslim religion) are a right example of this kind. When according to some this is right as per Muslim Religion condition is concerned but an educated human social condition rejects it. But finally Indian law brought its own condition to end this bad practice.

However here neither our purpose is to get into this controversy nor to identify who is right or wrong. Rather it is merely an example how a society get conditioned. This human society in large also has been made to pay for several times when multiple conditions fight with each other- various religious and social fighting, first world war and second world war are some examples of this kind.

However conditions are required to make the society to grow and move. And it is due to some positive conditions our society has grown in such a first rate. Today if we are enjoying such benefits which were never available to any people of anytime before, it’s due to the conditions also.

However anybody who wants to learn the truth of about self and universe has to break these conditionings, as these conditionings do not allow seeing things as they are. We see and observe the world as we are. Then the very obvious question rises, how to break it?

The only solution to this is, to speak to your mind that you do not know anything. What you know is not the whole truth. When we accept this form deep part of our understanding our true journey towards to know everything as it is starts. Mind opens its all obstacles to see the fact as it is. It stops to function and the truth appears automatically.

There is no doubt that it very difficult, as our conditioned mind interrupt us again and again with its own experiences but if practiced regularly, our mind go condition less.

Magic starts to happen when our mind work in its full freedom. It is still speaks I do not know anything but learn everything, what it truly requires to learn.