The story revolves around a conversation between the Earth and the Sky. The Earth is in distress, crying out because her children (the living beings) are starving and thirsty due to drought and pollution caused by humans. She pleads with the Sky to bring rain to save her children, expressing her despair over their suffering. In response, the Sky is angry and blames humans for the pollution that has led to the inability to create rain. Despite the Earth's pleas, the Sky feels helpless because of the damage humans have caused to nature. However, the Earth, embodying the role of a caring mother, insists that she cannot turn her back on her children, even though they have harmed her. The Earth emphasizes the importance of duty and compassion, urging the Sky not to ignore their responsibilities. This plea softens the Sky's anger, and he begins to understand the Earth's suffering. Ultimately, the Sky is moved by the Earth's pain and decides to bring relief, leading to a change in the atmosphere as coolness descends upon the Earth. धरती-आकाश by sarita baghela in Hindi Poems 1.2k Downloads 3.6k Views Writen by sarita baghela Category Poems Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description स्वरचित, मौलिक, मानवेतर लघुकथा=धरती-आकाशधरती भूक्का फाड़कर रो रही थी, आकाश ने जब रोने का स्वर सुना तो उससे रहा नहीं गया। धरती की ओर देखा।धरती तुम क्यों रो रही हो,.... क्या हुआ तुमको? आकाश ने बोला।धरती.... मेरे बच्चे भूखे प्यासे हैं, मेरी सीना छलनी-छलनी कर दिया हर जगह बोरिंग की है,....पर मैं क्या करूं! मैं तो सूखी पड़ी हूँ और ना ही मेरे पास अनाज है। आप कृपा करके वर्षा वृष्टि कर दो,.... (रोते-रोते) अपने बच्चों को मैं भूके प्यास से तड़पकर मरते नहीं देख सकती हूँ।धरती ने आकाश से अनुरोध किया।आकाश (क्रोध में)--- "यह मानव ने,.. ई- वेस्ट को More Likes This मन की गूंज - भाग 1 by Rajani Technical Lead मी आणि माझे अहसास - 98 by Darshita Babubhai Shah लड़के कभी रोते नहीं by Dev Srivastava Divyam जीवन सरिता नोंन - १ by बेदराम प्रजापति "मनमस्त" कोई नहीं आप-सा by उषा जरवाल कविता संग्रह by Kaushik Dave मेरे शब्दों का संगम by DINESH KUMAR KEER More Interesting Options Hindi Short Stories Hindi Spiritual Stories Hindi Fiction Stories Hindi Motivational Stories Hindi Classic Stories Hindi Children Stories Hindi Comedy stories Hindi Magazine Hindi Poems Hindi Travel stories Hindi Women Focused Hindi Drama Hindi Love Stories Hindi Detective stories Hindi Moral Stories Hindi Adventure Stories Hindi Human Science Hindi Philosophy Hindi Health Hindi Biography Hindi Cooking Recipe Hindi Letter Hindi Horror Stories Hindi Film Reviews Hindi Mythological Stories Hindi Book Reviews Hindi Thriller Hindi Science-Fiction Hindi Business Hindi Sports Hindi Animals Hindi Astrology Hindi Science Hindi Anything Hindi Crime Stories