Boost Your Self Confidence

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*10 Instant Confidence-Builders* It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. —Albert Einstein When things get out of control and you momentarily lose your confidence, there are any number of little things you can do to regain it. Here are 10 tools to help get you started. 1.Wash your hands and face, and brush your teeth. It cools your body, which is relaxing, and gives you that “fresh start” feeling.

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Boost Your Self Confidence - 1

10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence1. *10 Instant Confidence-Builders*It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay problems longer. —Albert Einstein When things get out of control and you momentarily lose your confidence, there are any number of little things you can do to regain it. Here are 10 tools to help get you started. 1.Wash your hands and face, and brush your teeth. It cools your body, which is relaxing, and gives you that “fresh start” feeling. 2.Look at any diploma /degree or certificate of achievement you have. And if it isn’t framed and on the wall, do it now. ...Read More


Boost Your Self Confidence - 2

11-20 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence11. Clarity Creates ConfidenceClarity affords focus. —Thomas Leonard Knowing that you know, that feeling being absolutely, positively right, deep inside yourself, is truly empowering. To get to that place you have to clear away any issues that could block your progress by checking in with your mind and emotions, and learning to trust your feelings. If you are facing a problem, the first thing you need to do is to ask yourself “clarifying questions.” The easiest way to know what questions you need to ask is to imagine that someone is trying to help you ...Read More


Boost Your Self Confidence - 3

21-30 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence21. Doing the Impossible What we need are more people who specialize in the —Theodore Roethke On July 16, 2009, 17-year-old Zac Sunderland completed his 13-month journey to become the youngest person ever to circumnavigate the globe. In addition, he did it in a 36-foot boat, Intrepid, for which he paid $6,000 that he earned himself doing whatever he could. Talk about your confidence-builders. I listened to Zac speak about his epic adventure in our hometown at the Westlake Yacht Club, which sponsored his epic travels along with the American Sailing Association. The poise and confidence displayed ...Read More


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31-40 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence31. Straighten Up and Feel Right A clean desk is a sign of a mind. —Albert Einstein I interviewed organization guru Peter Walsh on my radio show, and just before we went on the air, KCLU general manager Mary Olson told him that, although her desk was a total mess, she knew where everything was. Peter responded by saying, “That statement has made me a wealthy man.” And I totally get it.I have castigated myself far too many times because I couldn’t find on my desk a piece (perhaps just a scrap) of paper on which ...Read More


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41-50 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence41. Trust Your Gut The body never lies. —Martha GrahamScientists have discovered that there actually a type of thinking function that goes on in our digestive tracts: It’s called the enteric nervous system. We’ve all had “gut feelings” or intuitions, but many people don’t realize how much they depend on them. Intuition isn’t about picking lottery numbers; it is simply another form of knowledge that should be considered. It is a way to listen to what’s going on inside yourself, and it can help you deal with questions of all types, as well as depression and ...Read More


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51-60 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence51.Things Learned From Mothers Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together. —Pearl S. Buck I’ve learned a lot from the mothers in my life—my own as well as the mothers of people I’ve known. I wouldn’t be where I am if not for their advice, and I can’t tell you how many phone calls and e-mails I have gotten that began with, “My mother sent me this column....” Here are some things that a few of us have learned from ...Read More


Boost Your Self Confidence - 7

61-70 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence61. Learn to Love Yourself Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. —Norman Vincent Peale Self-love may be one of the most underutilized sources of our esteem. We can be harder on ourselves than on any other person. Consciously giving yourself a break, and not falling into the trap of self-denigration, will allow you to save your energy for the important parts of life and help you keep your confidence intact. Look, there is a big difference between self-love and ...Read More


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71-80 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence 71. You Look Marvelous The difference between a man of sense and a is that the fop values himself upon his dress, and the man of sense laughs at it, at the same time he knows he must not neglect it. —Lord Chesterfield Long before “Dress for Success” hit the market, people were not just judged by their appearance: Their lives were dictated by it. In olden times, paupers and nobles could be told apart from a distance by their clothes (and maybe the way they smelled). Clothing has always been a ...Read More


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81-90 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidencel 81. Recognize Your Abilities If you hear a voice within you say “you paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. —Vincent Van Gogh The number-one motivator of people is recognition. Saying to a teammate that you recognize her efforts to make your working relationship great is the best motivator you could give to her. Letting someone you love know that he has added to your life by being himself is one of the highest compliments you can pay. Many people fall short by not giving some of ...Read More


Boost Your Self Confidence - 10 - Last part

91-100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence91. Finding the Best in Others I have found the paradox that if I until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. —Mother TeresaFinding the Best in Others My friend Dan Maddux—let’s call him a Meetings Entrepreneur—began a new project just before the Great Recession. His vision was to open a 30,000-squarefoot convention facility in Las Vegas called “MEET.” Though exposed to the ugliest side of life with the financial crisis, he would not let the project fail. At a time when the financial landscape of the city was a desert, he ...Read More