PadmaVibhushan Rambhadracharya...
- Born girdhar mishra at 14 jan. 1950 at jaunpur,UP.
- Hindu religious teacher , educator , sanskrit scholar , polyglot , poet , author , textual commentetor , philosopher , composer , singer , playwright and katha artist.
- Founder and head of tulshi peeth at chitrakut.Lifelong chancellor of the jagatguru Rambhadracharya handicapped University.
- Lost his material vision at the age of two months , had no formal education till the age of seven , he never use Braille or any other kind of technology except listening.
- Can speak 22 languages and author of more than 100 books and 50 papers.
- Give proof about ram janmabhoomi , the real birthplace of rama near saryu river with a shloka from vedas in court.