In a town lived Bheem Singh, a wealthy cattle breeder and former wrestler, who owned the largest livestock and ran a gym for young wrestlers. He had a loving but somewhat conservative family, including his wife Liladevi and their daughter Muniya. Muniya, a college student at 23, struggled academically but was supported due to her father's influence. One day, Muniya met Tillu, a charming TV cable service provider, when he came to fix a reception issue at their home. They fell in love at first sight. Despite their growing affection, they realized that their different social statuses would lead to parental opposition to their marriage. Determined to be together, Muniya and Tillu decided to run away and needed to devise a solid plan to make their escape. Lethal Love – A Short Story by Swati Joshi in English Comedy stories 7 1.7k Downloads 6.6k Views Writen by Swati Joshi Category Comedy stories Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description Once up on a time there was a town where lived Bheem Singh. He was a cattle breeder and the richest among all the others who were in cattle business. He owned the largest livestock of all. He also owned a gymnasium for training young wrestlers there as Bheem Singh was also a former wrestler. The “Gang” of his wrestlers literally worshiped him and was readily available for a single wish uttered by Bheem Singh as he was not only their mentor but a provider too. Bheem Singh lived in a grand majestic house with his wife Liladevi and the More Likes This The Jokes on you - Season-1 Episode -1 by Musica The Great Indian Heist - 1 by Nikitha N New Gen Shakunthalam - 1 by Venu G Nair John’s Terrible Idiom Tale by Rijuta Gohil More Interesting Options English Short Stories English Spiritual Stories English Fiction Stories English Motivational Stories English Classic Stories English Children Stories English Comedy stories English Magazine English Poems English Travel stories English Women Focused English Drama English Love Stories English Detective stories English Moral Stories English Adventure Stories English Human Science English Philosophy English Health English Biography English Cooking Recipe English Letter English Horror Stories English Film Reviews English Mythological Stories English Book Reviews English Thriller English Science-Fiction English Business English Sports English Animals English Astrology English Science English Anything English Crime Stories