The Square World

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The title of my post, today, may seem to be surprising and perhaps misleading to my Readers. It has been proved and established, geographically and astronomically, that the earth is round; but, here it is said ‘square’. I won’t keep you any long in hanker

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The Square World – I

The title of my post, today, may seem to be surprising and perhaps misleading to my Readers. It has proved and established, geographically and astronomically, that the earth is round but, here it is said ‘square’. I won’t keep you any long in hanker ...Read More


The Square World – II

Before I proceed further, I would like to clarify why I have selected the title “The Square World” in cyclic Articles. When I was a college student in 1969, I had participated in a Gujarati Play “Choras Duniya” in celebration of our Annual Day. I had played the role of a character and perhaps the theme of the play was the same as it is being narrated here. Now, let us come back to the cell of the prison. Everybody is bound to remember one’s own cell number. If anybody fails to tell his cell number immediately when he ...Read More


The Square World – III

Now, my Readers, stop breathing for a while if you can just to resist yourselves to hear the crime to humanity. Here, you can see ladies seated in captivity. Here, you can see small babies fearfully clung to their mothers. Here, you can see also slightly grown up children playing in the corridor kicking the football which is not there, but with an action in air only. Such inhuman treatments towards women and children are criticized by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in a very brief statement as “The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” ...Read More


The Square World – IV (Final) (Zindan-e-Shaam–Syria)

In my previous three parts of this cyclic Article (Part- I, II and III), I had presented some characters as A to E. Their tragic stories are not imaginary ones, but they all are based on facts. As I had made clear formerly and hence by giving no real names, I have said what I had to. But, here, in this last and final part of my subject above, I’ll not hesitate to write openly and specifically as it is the historical fact and also known to the most of the world and particularly to Shi’ite Muslims – the ...Read More