The Jokes on you - Season-1

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Characters: Main leads: Jessie(Heroine -1) Drake(Hero-1) Misuna(Heroine-2) Nathan(Hero-2) Narrator -Me myself and I -The episode starts- Narrator:On a gloomy day ,There is this view of a school called Maret Academy.It is surrounded with beautiful site.The Academy is very clean and well developed. Monday Morning- ??:Hello..Need any Help??


The Jokes on you - Season-1 Episode -1

The Jokes on you!Season -1Episode -1Characters:Main leads:Jessie(Heroine -1)Drake(Hero-1)Misuna(Heroine-2)Nathan(Hero-2)Narrator -Me myself and I-The episode starts-Narrator:On a gloomy day ,There is view of a school called Maret Academy.It is surrounded with beautiful site.The Academy is very clean and well developed.Monday Morning-??:Hello..Need any Help?Jessie's Mom:Hello..I am here for my daughter's admission.??:Okay ma'am..Please fill this form up..Jessie's Mom:Okay.-Jessie's mom filled up the form and Jessie gets into the school.-Jessie is a hosteller --The Next Monday-Jessie enters the hostel room of hers and Meets her roomate.Jessie: Hello.??:Hi.Jessie:My name's Jessie.Yours???:Sarah.Jessie:From?Sarah:I can't tell you...Jessie:why?Sarah:Let's maintain our distance.Jessie:Oh ok...Sarah:I will be taking this bed.I want my own ...Read More