Successful Parenting

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What you are doing? We have no experiance parenting because we just being a parent. There is no course of parenting in college. Story Telling :::: I'll be the first to admit it – I didn't know the first thing about storytelling! ? But everything changed when I discovered its amazing benefits for my child. Now, I'm hooked! ? As I began to embrace storytelling, I realized it's not about being a perfect parent or a professional narrator. It's about having fun with my little one and watching t


Successful Parenting - 1

What you are doing? We have no experiance parenting because we just being a parent. There is no course parenting in college. Story Telling :::: I'll be the first to admit it – I didn't know the first thing about storytelling! But everything changed when I discovered its amazing benefits for my child. Now, I'm hooked! As I began to embrace storytelling, I realized it's not about being a perfect parent or a professional narrator. It's about having fun with my little one and watching them blossom. I started with simple picture books, tracing words with my finger, and ...Read More


Successful Parenting - 2

Freedom To Love :::::::I taught him yesterday only and today again he is doing the same mistake..Did you know children commit mistakes not because they didn't understand but because they cannot take the pressure of being right and "being perfect" each time.As adults, we see only the outcome and measure them based on what we know to be right. but children are not ready to take in so much pressure and out of anxiety often commit mistakes.They may know exactly what is right but forcing them to answer and repeat under a pressure cooker system doesn't help in their ...Read More


Successful Parenting - 3

Activities ::::: Activities outside the classroom or Sports are NOT play..‍️ As Peter Gray, an evolutionary psychologist so eloquently it in his whitepaper "The benefits of self directed play", free play is what children play when not directed and not supervised..‍️ Free or Self-directed play is something they do because they want to do it. Losing the time to do free play means children don't get to imagine, create, daydream and laugh.‍️ Today, kids have fewer and fewer hours of free time, vacation and after-school time are getting shorter and shorter, thus explaining the rise in depressions and various ...Read More


Successful Parenting - 4

Screenfree Play :::::::::No screen time???What else can be done, If not Screen ?? Discover these fun and interactive ways keep your child entertained at home, without breaking the bank!Explore these creative options: Share colorful comics or magazines and explore the stories together. Show your child old photo albums and play "guess who's who". Give your child a tour of the house, explaining the purpose of each room and object. Use a regular storybook and ask your child to create their own story with the same pictures. Take a stroll together, appreciating the sights, sounds, and smells of nature.The benefits ...Read More


Successful Parenting - 5

TrandsLearning from 2D / 3D ::::::::::Infants and children under 3 years old struggle to transfer learning between two-dimensional (2D) three-dimensional (3D) contexts, recent study indicates. This phenomenon, known as the Video Deficit Effect, highlights that young children learn significantly less from television and other screen media compared to live, face-to-face interactions. "Learning from television is a specific instance of transferring knowledge between a two-dimensional (2D) representation and a three-dimensional (3D) object. Understanding the conditions under which young children might accomplish this transfer is crucial because by 2 years of age, 90% of children are viewing television daily. Research shows ...Read More


Successful Parenting - 6

Focus On The Process :::::: "Focus on the process, not on the result." Did you know that psychologist László tested a strategy of implementing learning at an early stage on his children? He and his wife simply played a game of chess in front of them every evening. They had a lot of fun and genuinely enjoyed the game. Slowly, the kids caught up with the fun and, out of curiosity, started understanding the intricacies of the game. All three of their children won laurels and awards in the world of chess. They all went on to become chess ...Read More


Successful Parenting - 7

Triiiinnngg!! The sound of the bell after each class... What do you remember feeling when that bell rang? I feeling relieved, quickly shutting my book and getting ready for lunch, heading home, or moving on to the next class. But have you ever thought about what this simple act of bell ringing has done to us over the years? It taught us to stop whatever we were doing, no matter how interesting, and move on. It subtly suggested that nothing is so important that it can’t be shut down and forgotten after a while. Is this really how the ...Read More