What are the best tips for positive thinking

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We all are well-aware of the power of positive thinking; how it brings us happiness, how it fills our life with confidence and optimism, how it helps stimulate people around us, and how it can even transform the whole world through its powerful vibrations. But do you know, to develop this power, we need to win over the negative with the positive. What do we do if we want to win over the negative with positive? What do you do if you want to take out air from a bottle?... Fill it with water. So, just like the air automatically comes out of the bottle when filled with water; negativity will automatically leave from within you when filled with positivity – a simple tip for positive thinking! Let’s try it out with a small exercise to build up the positive levels. Close your eyes, look inward and try to introspect -how has your vision been through the day, today? In what instances did you maintain positive outlook and where all and for what reason did your vision become negative?

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What are the best tips for positive thinking - 1

We all are well-aware of the power of positive thinking; how it brings us happiness, how it fills our with confidence and optimism, how it helps stimulate people around us, and how it can even transform the whole world through its powerful vibrations. But do you know, to develop this power, we need to win over the negative with the positive.What do we do if we want to win over the negative with positive?What do you do if you want to take out air from a bottle?Will be continued in next part ...Read More


What are the best tips for positive thinking - 2

Our goal is to reach a stage where we can see ourselves having positive thinking: for every person we with, in our life,for every external circumstance that comes forth in our life,for every characteristic of our own self (our inherent nature) too.To get there, we must first understand in clear, sure and precise terms... ...Read More