A comprehensive Study

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A comprehensive Study on Economic, social and political issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic : The Philosophical Review The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ~ Socrates en·​dem·​ic | en-ˈde-mik , in- Definition of endemic 1a: belonging or native to a particular people or country b: characteristic of or prevalent in a particular field, area, or environment problems endemic to translationthe self-indulgence endemic in the film industry 2: restricted or peculiar to a locality or region endemic diseasesan endemic species endemic en·​dem·​ic | en-ˈde-mik , in- Definition of endemic : an organism that is restricted or peculiar to a locality or region : an endemic organism If you translate it literally, endemic means "in the population." It derives from the Greek endēmos, which joins en, meaning "in," and dēmos, meaning "population." "Endemic" is often used to characterize diseases that are generally found in a particular area; malaria, for example, is said to be endemic to tropical and subtropical regions. This use differs from that of the related word epidemic in that it indicates a more or less constant presence in a particular population or area rather than a sudden, severe outbreak within that region or group. The word is also used by biologists to characterize the plant and animal species that are only found in a given area.


A comprehensive Study - 1

A comprehensive Study on Economic, social and political issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic : The Philosophical Review secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ~ Socrates en·​dem·​ic|\en-ˈde-mik,in-\ Definition ofendemic 1a:belonging ornativeto a particular people or country b:characteristic of orprevalentin a particular field, area, or environment problemsendemicto translationthe self-indulgenceendemicin the film industry 2:restricted orpeculiarto a locality or region endemicdiseasesanendemicspecies endemic en·​dem·​ic|\en-ˈde-mik,in-\ Definition ofendemic :an organism that is restricted or peculiar to a locality or region:an endemic organism If you translate it literally,endemicmeans "in ...Read More


A comprehensive Study - 2

As the novel coronavirus incubated in Wuhan from mid-December to mid-January, the Chinese state made evidently intentional misrepresentations to people concerning the outbreak, providingfalse assurances to the populationpreceding the approach of the Lunar New Year celebrations on Jan. 25. In mid-December, an outbreak of a novel influenza-like illness was traced to workers and customers of the city’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which contained exotic and wild animal species. On Dec. 26, multipleChinese news outlets released reportsof an anonymous laboratory technician who made a startling discovery: The sickness was caused by a new coronavirus that was 87 percent similar to ...Read More