The Rising of the Elements

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The 5 elements of nature –Fire ,Water, Wind, Sky and Metal Always Facinated Us. There is also the 6th element, often known as the forgotten element or the king of elements which is the Earth element! It is because no one EVER HAD IT! People Say Fire element is the coolest and the strongest while the sky element is the lamest and the weakest. I completely DISAGREE. I mean think about it for a second. Sky conducts lightning so the guy with the sky element can actually manipulate electricity. So, what will u prefer? Getting burned on your finger by fire for a second or getting shocked on your finger for a second? Its getting burned on your finger for a second! Because it will not harm you much if u just get burned for a second on your finger but it WILL harm you if u get electrocuted on your finger! Elements are actually inside people’s body! So there are actually 5 PEOPLE EACH HAVING 1 ELEMENT! Now these people are the protectors of the earth. So if a protector dies, the next person who can use it the best can claim it.