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Edmund Dulac IN the time of Harun-er-Rashid there was, in Baghdad, a rich merchant named Sindbad the Sailor, the source of whose wealth was a mystery. It seemed to be inexhaustible. For long seasons he kept open house, and his entertainments were the most magnificent of all save only those of Er-Rashid himself. All that riches could buy seemed at his disposal, and he lavished the good things of this life upon his guests. Pages, slaves and attendants there were in great number; his garden was spacious and beautiful, and his house was filled with every costly luxury. This Sindbad

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Edmund Dulac IN the time of Harun-er-Rashid there was, in Baghdad, a rich merchant named Sindbad the Sailor, the of whose wealth was a mystery. It seemed to be inexhaustible. For long seasons he kept open house, and his entertainments were the most magnificent of all save only those of Er-Rashid himself. All that riches could buy seemed at his disposal, and he lavished the good things of this life upon his guests. Pages, slaves and attendants there were in great number; his garden was spacious and beautiful, and his house was filled with every costly luxury. This Sindbad ...Read More



THE SECOND VOYAGE OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR AS I related yesterday, I was living here in Baghdad in the of every delight, surrounded by companions after my own heart. But a time came when the wandering spirit seized me again and I longed for the sight, even for the perils, of other and unknown lands. This, and the fact that I had decreased my substance by large expenditure, led me to adventure a second journey, at once to relieve the monotony of life and to replenish my exhausted store. The step was quickly taken. Having collected suitable merchandise I ...Read More



THE THIRD VOYAGE OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR HAVING rested for a space in Baghdad, where I lived surrounded by happiness and delight, I began again to experience that restless desire for travel and commerce which had drawn me forth on my former voyages. When the desire grew so great that I could no longer withstand it, I set out with a large stock of merchandise and arrived at the city of El-Basrah, where I took ship, together with a goodly company of merchants, and others of high standing and repute. For many days we sailed outwards, buying and selling ...Read More



THE FOURTH VOYAGE OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR LED by the desire to associate with other races, and to buy sell for gain,—for the soul is prone to evil,—I departed from Baghdad with many precious bales, and set sail from El-Basrah in a large ship on which a company of other merchants embarked in like fashion. For many days we had a pleasant journey among the islands, and all went well with us until, on reaching the wider sea beyond, a mighty wind came up against us. The sea rose in great waves as the tempest increased, and we[29] were ...Read More



THE FIFTH VOYAGE OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR LOOKING back from the position of safety and comfort to which I returned I came in time to make light of the perils I had encountered and the sufferings I had endured. The advantages that had come to me through these perils and sufferings now stood in the foreground of my thoughts and I said within myself, “It is the life for a man; for how otherwise can he come at the meaning of the great book of the world than by treading its pages?” And, moreover I had conceived the wish ...Read More



THE SIXTH VOYAGE OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR ON a day when I was living happily in Baghdad, having forgotten perils and dangers of my former voyages, I was sitting at ease in my garden when a party of merchants came to me, and their tales of travel aroused within my bosom a great longing to engage again in the hazardous delights of those things. I pondered long upon the matter, and, though I had said within myself, “never will I set forth again,” I found that my mind was made up in spite of me. Therefore I set about ...Read More



THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINDBAD THE SAILOR IN adhering to my vow never again to fare forth from my land in search of strange wonders at the risk of deadly peril, I was contented and happy in my state. While I was sitting one day thinking on this and saying within myself, “I am here in the Abode of Peace, and Allah be praised! I shall never quit it for the haunts of trouble;” lo! there came a messenger summoning me to the Khalifeh. I arose and followed him, and presently I was before his majesty, saluting him and ...Read More