Think big think rich

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The Magic of Thinking Rich Workshop : I learn so i wrote on pages : How to change your Life in seconds: -Don't judge the book by the cover -We always wait to hear news about Celebrity or do you take autographs when you meet them? Do you want to be a Celebrity then let's celebrate....Let's do something that each one of us become a Celebrity -You deserve the Best!! Each moment in your Life is a Celebration, please start Celebrating! -When Logic ends, Magic begins

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Think big think rich - 1 - MAD

The Magic of Thinking Rich Workshop :I learn so i wrote on pages :How to change your Life in judge the book by the cover-We always wait to hear news about Celebrity or do you take autographs when you meet them? Do you want to be a Celebrity then let's celebrate....Let's do something that each one of us become a Celebrity-You deserve the Best!! Each moment in your Life is a Celebration, please start Celebrating!-When Logic ends, Magic begins-The Remote Control of your Life is with you, don't give it to others to control your mind, You are the ...Read More


Think Big Think Rich - 2

The Magic of Thinking Rich Workshop :The Secret of the Universe-How it WorksZindagi he Choti har Hal Mein Kush there is a Problem, you have to say to yourself, "Come on Yar, Stand Up, I can do it"-Shake your body & say Yes-You should search for an Opportunity in every Negative Situation-Affirmations can change your Life, keep saying it again & Again-You should say Affirmations with Full Energy & Passion-Rich are the one who have a Library of Books, & Poor are the ones who have a Television at home-Never let yourself down when demotivation comesWhenever there is NO, ...Read More