Onto the Stage - Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays

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Voice Over: Under the British Raj in India, the self-indulging Nizams of Hyderabad abdicated the administration of their vast principality to doralu, the village heads, letting them turn the areas under their domain into their personal fiefdoms. While the successive Nizams were obsessed with building palaces and acquiring jewelry, the village heads succeeded in ushering in an oppressive era of tyrannical order. Acting as loose cannon from their palatial houses called gadis, the doralu succeeded in foisting an inimical feudal order upon the downtrodden dalits. Besides making these dalits toil for them as cheap labor without impunity, the doralu had no qualms in making vassals out of the hapless women folk. What wth the police patels and the revenue patwaris in nexus with the landed gentry and the moneyed shaukars making a common cause with the doralu in their unabated exploitation, their sub-human condition ensured that the dalits were distressed economically, degraded socially and debased morally.

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Onto the Stage – Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays - 1

Onto the Stage - Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays BS Murthy ISBN 81-901911-5-2 Copyright © 2014 Murthy Cover with Mohan’s water color painting Self Imprint F-9, Nandini Mansion, 1-10-234, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 020 Other books by BS Murthy - Benign Flame – Saga of Love Jewel-less Crown - Saga of Life Crossing the Mirage – Passing through youth Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel Prey on the Prowl (A Crime Novel) Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal Strife Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of self – help (A translation in verse) Sundara Kãnda - Hanuman’s Odyssey ...Read More


Onto the Stage – Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays - 2

Stage Play 2 Men at work on Women at work Dramatis Personae, Men at Work: Naveen (40) Materials Bricks & Bats Ltd. Nayak (55) Manager, HRD, Hares & Hounds Ltd. Rakesh (50) Managing Director, Hares & Hounds Ltd. Sunil (35), Assistant Manager, Personnel, Hares & Hounds Ltd. Gopal (55) Assistant, Marketing., Hares & Hounds Employees Union Balram (35) Inspector of Police. Sanjay (40) General Manager, Marketing, Brims & Dregs Ltd. Kumar (35) Assistant Finance Manager, Skins & Hides Ltd. Diwakar (50) Finance Manager, Skins & Hides Ltd. Bhagawan ( 45 ) Lawyer. Women at Work: Navya (30) Naveen’s wife ...Read More


Onto the Stage – Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays - 3

Stage Play 3 Castle of Despair Dramatis Personae: Rajiv: Forty year old businessman. Ramya: Rajiv’s thirty-five-year-old wife. Deva: Rajiv’s old businessman friend Divya: Deva’s thirty year old wife and Ramya’s close friend. Rau: Forty year old lawyer and Rajiv’s long lost friend. Inspector Slesha: Rau’s thirty-year old wife. Nayak: Fifty-year-old lawyer and Rajiv’s friend. Raju: Forty-five year-old Bank Manager and a friend of Rajiv. Dr. Aslam: The Rajivs’ fifty-five year old family physician. Rangaiah: The sixty-five year old servant at the Rajivs’ house. Scene – 1 [Curtains Up: The Rajivs’ well-furnished drawing room at the right side with ...Read More


Onto the Stage – Slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays - 4 - last part

Radio Play 1 A Love on Hold SCENE - 1 INT – It’s the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Shamshabad in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. That winter evening, Sekhar was waiting to receive Pratap, his childhood friend and classmate, settled in the U.S.A. SFX – Soundtrack of Airport activity such as the announcements of the flight schedules, the take-off and landing of the aircraft. EXT - The exit point of the ‘arrivals’ section is crowded with people waiting to welcome their relatives, friends or visitors among the incoming passengers. SFX - Buzz of the motor cars bringing in more people ...Read More