Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth

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Youth is the mirror that tends us to the reality of our looks. The reflections of our visages that insensibly get implanted in our subconscious lend shape to our psyche to define the course of our life. This is the saga of Chandra’s chequered life that mirrors this phenomenon in myriad ways. As perceived by the deprived, he had a fortunate birth. Yadagiri, his father, was the prominent pearl merchant in Hyderabad - Deccan, the seat of the Nizam’s power in undivided India. The patronage of the royals and the nobles alike, helped add gloss to his pearls making him the nawab of the trade. Besides, Princely Pearls, his outlet near the Charminar, was a draw with the rich, out to humor their wives and adorn the mistresses. When Anasuya, Yadagir's wife, was expecting her second issue, trouble brewed in Telangana, the heart of the Nizam’s province. While his subjects' surge to free themselves from his yoke clashed with the Nizam’s urge to keep his gaddi, Sardar Patel's plans for a pan India was at odds with his designs to retain the Deccan belt as his princely pelf.

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Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth - 1

Crossing the Mirage - Passing through Youth BS Murthy (Revised edition) ISBN 81-901911-8-7 Copyright © 2005 BS Murthy Cover by GDC creative advertising (p) ltd., Hyderabad –500 080 Self Imprint F-9, Nandini Mansion, 1-10-234, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 020 Other books by BS Murthy - Benign Flame: Saga of Love Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel Prey on the Prowl – A Crime Novel Stories Varied - A Book of short Stories Onto the Stage – slighted Souls and other stage and radio plays Puppets of Faith: Theory of Communal ...Read More


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Chapter 2 End of the Tether When Chandra had graduated in commerce, Yadagiri wanted him to join at the Princely Pearls. Though Chandra knew it was coming, yet he felt like it was a bolt from the blue. Having come to mirror his misfortunes in his father’s visage, the prospect of the paternal proximity in perpetuity sickened him. ‘But how can I possibly object to something that’s obvious, natural even!’ thought Chandra, and the more he thought about it, all the more he wanted to avoid being drafted into the family business. ‘Come what may, I won’t have ...Read More


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Chapter 3 Burden of Freedom Aboard the Bombay Express, Chandra was impatient for the train to move of Nampally Station. Sitting by the window, he downed the shutter to escape attention of the passers-by. Doubling his precaution to avoid detection, he covered his flanks as well with the centre spread of the day’s Deccan Chronicle. Thus, in his quarantine, he failed to notice the arrival into the compartment of a bulky youth with a big suitcase. Panting for a while, the stranger surveyed the scene within, as one would, to gain a vantage seat. Zeroing on the space ...Read More


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Chapter 4 Onto the Turf As if to afford Chandra time for reflection at the threshold, the was held up at Kalyan for long. And to his irritation, Ashok found out it was owing to some technical snag. Thus, the train could reach Dadar only towards the evening. By then, Chandra was physically fatigued and mentally worn out. When the cab they hired halted in a by-lane in Sion, the weary friends uttered a sigh of relief. But as luck would have it, as they went up to Rashid’s room, a Godrej padlock greeted them. Nevertheless, Ashok thought ...Read More


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Chapter 5 Respite by Death That mid-summer noon, cramped up in a general bogie of that train, Chandra developed a cold sweat. ‘Oh God, what if Rashid’s lightning call didn’t come through?’ he thought anxiously. Well, what else could’ve I done, as there was hardly any time left to catch the train. How I wanted to talk to her myself though Rashid felt it made sense for me to leave without losing time. Didn’t he swear that he would alert my parents to avert the disaster? How am I to know now what came of it later?’ As ...Read More


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Chapter 6 Lessons of Life Chandra’s tentative forays into the Princely Pearls soon acquired the spirit of Finding his son grappling with the ropes of marketing, the pleased father began guiding him to hone his technical skills as well. When Chandra began exhibiting his business acumen, Yadagiri took him to the recess of the trade secrets. Soon, seeing his son on course, the father made way for him to manage the show on his own only spending the evenings at the shop, more to gloat over his prowess than to supervise his progress. And urged by his ...Read More


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Chapter 7 Naivety of Love That evening as Chandra ventured into the Public Garden, he found his back in the moorings. When he reached his cherished nook, he spotted a girl seated there, with her back to him and with her head buried in her knees. Though his decency demanded retreat, goaded by her appeal in that posture, he tiptoed up to her. Realizing that she was lost in her thoughts to take note of him, he went nearer to her to gauge her visage but couldn't espy her face as she failed to react to his trespass. ...Read More


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Chapter 8 Dilemma of Disclosure While Chandra lay there snubbed, Nithya walked away in consternation. ‘What madness!’ thought in vexation. ‘And who is he by the way? Poor chap, he seems to be suffering. But how can I help him? Am I not bellyful with trouble already? I’m more in need of help than anyone I can think of.’ As she walked aimlessly, she insensibly focused her thoughts on Chandra. ‘Since he loves me,’ the stray thought snowballed into a solution for her problem, ‘won’t he help me?’ Weighing the pros and cons, she reinvigorated herself and reversed ...Read More


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Chapter 9 Perils of Youth Nithya matured at nine, a little early, even for the Indian clime. than the biological change, it was the cultural fuss the happening heralds that made her conscious of her altered persona. She felt as though the oni on her bosom robbed her off her personal freedom. The custom that pulled her out of the child circuit and at the same time denied her admission into the Venus Club, left her clueless about her own identity. Nevertheless, the imperatives of her sensuality and the male proclivities to her sexuality began confounding her. In ...Read More


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Chapter 10 Absurd Proposal Though not nonplussed at having lost her virginity, Nithya, nevertheless, began pressuring Vasu the nuptial. Yet, his assurances to tie the knot made her give him more of her own that was till she felt he was taking it easy. When she began denying him the good time to drive home her point that only made him indignant, she could figure out the consequences of his indifference. Thus, feeling vulnerable, she forced herself to humour him even more furthering his fulfillment all the more. But even as he procrastinated over their nuptial, his seed ...Read More


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Chapter 11 Crossing the Mirage While Nithya bowed her head narrating her tale of woe, glued his eyes on her. When she finished, as she looked at him to gauge his response, he bestowed her with his caressing look of love. Overwhelmed, she cried for the empathy he evoked in her. “Oh, God,” Chandra said in sorrow, “how sad!.” “What to do when someone deceives you?” said Nithya sighing. “See what a mess I'm in now!” “So you want to get aborted?” “Why don't you help me?” she clutched his hand involuntarily. “I've no clue how to go ...Read More


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Chapter 12 Setting the Pace When it was past noon the next day, Chandra and Nithya, not to make the other wait, reached well before the appointed hour. As they reached the rendezvous, while her face radiated charm, his gait exhibited confidence. “On my word,” she said heartily, “didn’t I tell you, you can’t get rid of me?” “You’re more beautiful than ever,” he said, mesmerized. “You look all so different.” “Thanks to your acceptance,” he took her hand, “seems I’ve gained in looks.” “I’m happy for you.” she said. “Let’s go to my mother who would feel ...Read More


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Chapter 13 Oasis of Bliss While Yadagiri envisaged honeymoon for the just married in Ooty, Chandra was to it. Instead he wanted to stay put at home. “Why, what’s the idea?” Nithya asked Chandra when he made his intent clear. “Don’t I know you need time for that?” “I like your sensitivity,” she said thoughtfully. “But I feel we should give our honeymoon a fair chance.” “You’re more than fair,” said Chandra in admiration Since Yadagiri had made all arrangements beforehand, they were on course of their ‘fair chance’. As they poured out their hearts and bared their ...Read More


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Chapter 14 Busy Bees in the Honeycomb While the Chandras were in the seventh heaven, the Yadagiris out to arrange the mundane things for them. They resolved that no stone should be left unturned to enable their bahu to lead a luxuriant life in the company of their son. It would be befitting to gift the newly acquired house near the High Court, to Nithya and get it furnished to the hilt. Why not name it Honeycomb? Wasn’t it time Chandra stopped riding the Vespa and started driving a Fiat with Nithya? So they welcomed the news of ...Read More


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Chapter 15 Twist in the Tale That December evening, a young man made his way to the Pearls to give an order for a gold ring. Watching him enter, Chandra was impressed with his persona exemplified by a romantic face. Learning from the salesman that the newcomer was asking for the moon, Chandra wanted him to be sent to him. When he heard the man tell how he would like the gold ring to look like, Chandra realized that it was meant for a valentine. Besides, he felt the detail conveyed a commitment to the cause and his ...Read More


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Chapter 16 Love in the Bind “Welcome to smoke and dust,” said Sathya as he led Chandra his first floor apartment. “You smoke a lot it seems,” said Chandra, surveying the heaps of Four Square butts lying all over the place. “Ten packs a day,” said Sathya lighting another cigarette with the butt in hand, “and that should give you an idea about my life and love right now.” “Well, I touched four when I was in the rough,” said Chandra as he lit a Berkeley, “but now I've cut down to two.” “And your high was my ...Read More


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Chapter 17 Turn for the Worse When they returned after relieving themselves, Sathya resumed the saga of intriguing relationship with Kala. “The next day however, she came to the office ashen and I was shaken to see her thus,” said Sathya, seemingly confused as Chandra lit his Berkeley for exhilaration. “What followed gave an unexpected twist to my own destiny and perhaps to hers as well. She said that she hadn’t had a wink the whole night unnerved by my tentative move to leave her and that made her realize that no one loved her more than me. ...Read More


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Chapter 18 Shadows to the Fore That day, as it happened, Yadagiri stayed back at home indisposed Chandra went out with a diamond trader leaving Nithya to fend for herself the whole business-day. By then, however, leaving her toddler at the Pearl House, she started becoming a part- timer at the Princely Pearls. When in the evening she came out from the confines of her cabin, she was shocked to find Vasu in the hall. Before she could beat a hasty retreat, he chanced to notice her and that left her in a quandary. Adding to her predicament, ...Read More


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Chapter 19 Spurring on to Err Nithya collapsed in her bed as if Vasu sapped her strength unable to comprehend, her mind became numb. But realizing that inaction wouldn’t lead her anywhere, she forced herself to apply her mind to the problem on hand. ‘What a shameless guy really,’ she thought. ‘What a gall to eye me again? Why, hasn’t he hinted at blackmail? What a devil I courted! It’s sickening to even think of him, well, no decent man would ever want to tempt the woman he lost, more so when she's married. Isn't it a crime ...Read More


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Chapter 20 Tempting the Fate That Sunday evening the Vasus called on the Chandras at the Honeycomb. with Vasu’s presence embarrassing him, Chandra turned his attention on Prema only to be fascinated by her in turn. Seeing Chandra ungainly, Vasu readily turned his hopes on Nithya into wild daydreams. Prema, divining Vasu’s desire for Nithya from his body language, suspected that he was involving her only to pull the wool over Chandra’s eyes. And that made her turn her focus on Chandra. Hooked up as she was with her idea of revenge, Nithya insensibly turned her attention on ...Read More


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Chapter 21 Stooping to Conquer When an excited Vasu left on tour, a vengeful Nithya opened the to seal his fate. Retrieving his letter from its recess, she gave it the kiss of death and stooping to conquer, she gave it to Chandra for Prema’s perusal. Being on her errand though, Chandra was bogged down with a troubled mind, yet he placed the fatal letter before Prema after briefing her about the problem posed by her husband to his wife. “So you’re privy to my proclivities in bed,” said Prema finally in disgust. “What’s left of me to ...Read More


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Chapter 22 Fouling the Soul As Prema broke down in the midst of her narrative, Chandra was to caress her hand to solace her and as the warmth his gesture reached her heart, wiping her tears of dejection, she looked at him with affection. Thanking him for his concern, she resumed the saga of her disaffection. “It was then that Vasu got closer to me. While my father warned me not to entertain him, I made light of his caution saying that I knew which side of my bread was buttered and believing that I was judicious, he ...Read More


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Chapter 23 Poetic Justice Ever since the countdown for the showdown with Vasu began, Nithya was feverish anticipation. The very thought that Prema was all set to desert Vasu portending a double jeopardy for him pleased her, providing the cutting edge to her vengeance. As she was in reverie at the Princely Pearls that evening, the ringing tone of telephone brought her back into the environs. Going for the receiver, she wondered whether it was Prema on the line. However, it was Chandra who called up to inform her that he was held up with some work. “How ...Read More


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Chapter 24 Agony of Penitence “I was born in Konaseema,” began Sathya as they had their first of Old Monk for a change. “It was where I spent much of my childhood and as for my adolescence it was coursed in Kakinada. When I was twelve, my father was transferred there and we were set up in a neighborhood dominated by a well-heeled man with varied interests with a sprightly daughter, two years my junior. It sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale isn't it, well, but for my conceit, the end would have been no different. ...Read More


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Chapter 25 Embrace of Love With no response for long, Sathya held on to the buzzer a longer. When Prema opened the door in her bathrobe, she found herself staring wide-eyed as Sathya remained speechless. “Oh, you,” she welcomed him being the first to recover, “looks like its Godsend.” “What a pleasant surprise!” “What do you mean?” she said, surprised in turn. “I find it’s all so puzzling,” he said trying to figure out the equation, “you, at Chandra’s place!” “What!” she exclaimed looking at the gate. “I thought it’s his house,” he said equally surprised. “How long ...Read More


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Chapter 26 Life of a Kind Waking up at eight, Prema sprang to her feet to ring her friend and as Nithya was waiting for her call, she answered the call by the first ring itself. “What a coup in the making!” a joyous Nithya soon appraised Chandra about the development and its import on the final act. “Don’t get carried away and spill the beans,” Chandra cautioned her. “Let it pass off as a twist of destiny.” After speaking to Nithya, Prema sat down to draft a new twist to Vasu’s destiny. At length, she went to ...Read More


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Chapter 27 Just Deserts Soon they were at the Honeycomb to the hearty welcome of the Chandras. a reunion,” said Chandra hugging Sathya. “What a pair you make!” Nithya couldn’t hide her admiration. “We owe it all to you!” Sathya addressed Chandra. “I feel, we owe it to Nithya no less,” said Prema, taking Nithya’s hand. “What a twist of destiny!” said Chandra with mixed feelings. ‘Well, to push Vasu into the doghouse.’ Nithya thought with satisfaction. By the time they sat for dinner, the logistics to stop Vasu in his tracks were worked out. After Vasu came ...Read More