Metamorphosis - 1

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Chapter 1. Few drops of blood. Metamorphosis is to change or transform due to unbearable environment in order to survive on that environment. As a frog does, when it stands up to come out from deep blue sea to breath fresh air on the land. Humans also act the same. If they find themselves in unbearable environment, they too adapt according to the situation but its not everybody s cup of tea to transform. Some of them suffer and die while others adapt and live, this is called evolution. This is the story of such someone who found the environment unbearable and metamorphosed into something too surprising to see. We can t tell you everything you have to read the book to know what happens next. The language is too easy even for a tenth grader to understand so read it and if you like it suggest it to others.. Not if, you will definitely like it. And stay tuned, next chapter will be published in some days...