Just friends. - Season 1 - Episode 1

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(AT HOOME) NOTE : MUSICA AND MELODY ARE TWIN SISTERS .Melody wakes up*Melody:good morning to everyone. Musica:still sleeping*MelodyPOV:this idiot is still sleeping!? Musica mumbles in her sleep*Musica:money money..C-come here...t-to my luck there-Melody:what the hell is she saying???Musica: melody is an idiot ya-Melody:eh-? Whatever -(Melody gets ready for her first day of school) meanwhile at icey and abby room..*NOTE : ICEY AND ABBY ARE SISTERS OF MUSICA AND MELODY AND ICEY IS 3YEARS OLDER THAN ABBY AND MUSICA AND MELODY ARE OLDER THAN ICEY .ICEY: wake up abby time for school.. you dont want to be late on your first day